October 14, 2013

Interesting article at Spiegel Online

Want to read something with substance? Well, click here. It's an interview with Andrew Solomon at Spiegel Online. From the article:
For his book, "Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity," author Andrew Solomon interviewed 300 parents with one thing in common: Their children were completely different from themselves. 
The article covers so many fascinating family situations. My only complaint is that it's far too short. I wanted more. Guess I'll have to read the book. Seriously, grab a cup of coffee and click on over to Spiegel.

PS: There's a glitch that implies there's a "Part II". It's just page 2 of the article, which you encounter by clicking normally to page 2. In other words, there should be no mention of a "Part II".

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