January 9, 2011

Winter is here

Though it always makes me nervous when the neighborhood kids skate on the pond, it's also rather nice to see. 

It's been very cold for many days so I think they're safe today. Still, I always have an urge to rush out there with a long piece of rope. 

Okay, I admit I also want to rush out there in my skates. But I don't because 6'5" skaters who are not rail-thin should not skate on dicey pond surfaces. I just hope the kids have a great, safe day (and those adults who set out deck chairs on the ice don't eat so much that they crash right through).


Anna Guess Pick said...

Growing up Californian, skating was not second nature to me. I did however at the age of 40 (I think) enroll myself in ice skating lessons. I was delighted the day I made it around the rink. I never could really skate, but in my mind...ahh Olympic proportions.

Thanks for the JOY your photo brought-- you, Mother Hen, you. ;)

writenow said...

I am definitely a mother hen, only I call it "being a daddy". Same thing. Nice to see you -- and to hear of your skating prowess!

I love to skate, not that I'm good or anything. It's a ton of fun (and you can make believe you're in the skating scene from "The Bishop's Wife" -- that's the best part!).