January 20, 2011

The History Channel is a cesspool

When this channel first arrived on the scene, it was going to be a champion of history. Finally, history buffs would have a channel of their own. Alas, history is just a word to the people at the History Channel. But I'm sure you already knew this. They've been stinking the joint up for too many years.

If their shows aren't about Nazis (my favorite?: "High Hitler"), they're about Jesus -- who is presented not as a myth or even a man but as a god. When it's not about Jeebus or the Nazis, it's about threats they say could kill us all. They really like stuff like asteroids because they might leave millions dead. That's like an orgasm for the History Channel. But then, to throw you off, they randomly toss in an occasional science show about, you know, reality and stuff. 

The scary thing isn't the asteroids, it's the History Channel. Here we are in a country where people's brains are in a progressive state of rot, and the History Channel is feeding people nonsense on a nightly basis -- and calling it "history", no less. It's a scam for the rubes, and nothing more. The History Channel is staffed by snake oil salesmen who exist only to make money. And if truth is a victim of their nightly drive-by shootings, they don't give a damn.
Last night's sampling from the History Channel included the following treats:
  • A show about how we'll all die if the moon drifts away;
  • One about "decoding 2012", which I assume is about Armageddon, one of their favorite days of the year;
  • Another about the "six gates to Hell", which they seem to think exist;
  • And one accurate show about the deepest place in the ocean.
Seriously, what are they smoking over there? How could this appeal to anyone who finished elementary school? That night's schedule provided one hour of reality surrounded by five hours of idiocy.

They also have such treats as "Pawn Stars", "Swamp People", and "The Seven Signs of the Apocalypse" on this station. But I'm sure you knew that. And lotsa Nazis. Can't forget the Nazis. You'd think Hitler was still alive.

It's hard to know what to say. I shake my head when I pass it by on the guide. It's TV for idiots. And companies pay to hawk their products during these craven shows? They want to be seen in the company of fools?

What adds to my aggravation is how easy it is to find religious nonsense on TV. It's all over the dial although none of it is true. But I have to pay extra to see the only gay station, Logo. Why is that? I need an explanation for this from my satellite service provider. Oh, I forgot, no one's home there. If you call, not one soul there knows a thing about anything. Ah, America!

All we can do, apparently, is give the History Channel three thumbs down and never watch it. Hopefully it will go away, like a bad smell sometimes does. 


Anna Guess Pick said...

Did you know that you could file a complaint with the FCC? Anything from the volume level of the commercials to the content of shows. Yes, you may say, so what, no one will do anything about it. Maybe true, but I felt better after I did it and the federal form looked so official. I could just see some governmental clerk having to read my rant.

writenow said...

You complained about the History Channel? That's so nice. I should do it too.