February 21, 2011

Cockatiels make great pets

Long ago, in a distant galaxy far, far away, I used to breed cockatiels. I didn't want to but my birds were incredibly into it and there was no stopping them. Every time I turned around I had another six or seven babies. Now, cockatiels are some of the nicest birds imaginable and they are a barrel of fun to live with. But I learned there is such a thing as too many cockatiels. 
I sold the babies to pet shops at first but my birds outpaced the shops. They couldn't sell them faster than my birds churned them out. So I began to give them away.

Now, the problem with giving living things away is that no one is invested in it. Potential pet owners in this category don't prepare as well as purchasers. So I wrote a booklet to give to the people who adopted my babies. It explained everything you needed to know about caring for both babies and adult birds.

If you'd like this booklet, I can send it to you in PDF format. Just send me an email at the address listed on the bottom left of this blog. The booklet is not only informative -- it's very funny. The title is, "How To Operate Your Cockatiel Bird". 

It's sitting uselessly on my computer drive right now, which makes no sense because it's got a ton of sound advice for cockatiel owners. Just ask and I'll send one out to you.

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