November 7, 2011

Things are looking up

Last time for this graphic?
This is your official Xmas Carol update. It looks like Casey of casey/artandcolour is going to do the cover for the book. For a while it seemed his schedule wouldn't permit it -- but we're on again. Woot!

In the meantime I'm doing the final read-through of the book. I'm not editing it. That's done. I'm just searching for typos now. It should only take another day or two to complete. Then when the cover arrives, I'll be ready to publish.

And you know what that means -- you'll finally have a chance to buy my book and decide for yourself if I can write. There's a good possibility it will be out by Xmas. Xmas Carol out by Xmas! Could anything be finer?

Stay tuned. And I sure hope this is the last time I'll have to use that awful graphic you see above. Soon there will be an official cover to grace these posts. I can't tell you how exciting this is. It's a dream come true.


Anna Guess Pick said...

♫ ♫ Deck the halls with boughs of holly....fa la la la......♫ ♫

I can barely contain my excitement.

word verification word: demoness
coincidence? I think not. lol

writenow said...

It was surely a message from above, Annie, or maybe below. It's hard to say with these things. That's why we have priests to sort things out for us. They always know if a message is from Jesus or Satan, right off the bat. What a talent!

Thanks for being excited. K