October 18, 2011

The latest from the popey guy

Shazam! Peace among all religions.
The popey guy is so twisted, it's amazing. Check out this paragraph from an AP story today:
Pope Benedict XVI has invited Hindus, Jews, Taoists and Muslims to join him next week for a peace pilgrimage to the hilltop town of Assisi — but they won't pray together because Benedict doesn't want to show different beliefs and rituals mixing.
The man is amazingly cross-purposed. He can't do anything right. What an empty gesture. It's stunning.


Anna Guess Pick said...

Susan Sarandon calls popey guy a Nazi
- http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44945134/ns/today-entertainment/t/report-susan-sarandon-calls-pope-nazi/#.Tp21RnLetI4

Did she go too far?

"German born Pope Benedict, formerly Joseph Ratzinger, was briefly a member of the Hitler Youth in the early 1940s when membership was compulsory, the Vatican has said. He deserted the military during World War Two and has said that as devout Catholics, his parents rejected Nazi ideology."

writenow said...

I always liked her. Fun that she has a young boyfriend, too. I think this woman knows how to have fun, and she's got a good heart. The hell with the popey guy!

writenow said...

Just read the article. Funny. I liked this bit: "Newsday said Balaban gently chided Sarandon for the remark but she repeated it." It's also fun that the church lashed back at her. They don't like hatred unless it's coming from them. Twits.