November 2, 2014

The nicest time change brings extra sleep

Have you heard? We're not saving daylight anymore. So if you see any, throw it out. It's just garbage now.

I'm pretty happy about this. I love when it gets dark before 5 pm. It makes the night seem expansive and exciting. Why, anything could happen at night. You know that's not true of the daytime. Daytime: bor-ing. Nighttime: fascinating.

So I approve of the time change. And this year, it's working to my advantage. I slipped into a late schedule by watching the baseball playoff games. Why they have to start at 8 pm, I don't know. But it made me go to sleep late and it's hard to get back on a normal sleep schedule.

But now that we're throwing daylight out, I'm already waking up at a reasonable hour. So I'm happy as a clam. How did it go for you? Longing for summer? Tch, tch, tch. But don't worry. It'll come back, and when it does, it'll be baseball season again!



Anna Guess Pick said...

A terrible thing happened. I lost the key to the closet. Not just any closet but the closet where I was keeping all the daylight I had been saving.

Oh, bother, wasted all that time and energy and now I can't avail myself of those daylight hours.

Sigh.... perhaps I will call a locksmith, I shall think about it.

cm said...

It's kind of nice. I like hiding in the house at the first sign of darkness. It's getting too nasty to be outside after dark anyway. Get up early. Get everything done in the outside world that needs to be done. Get home and hibernate. That's my plan.

writenow said...

Out of all my thousands of commenters, I think you two are my favorites.