January 13, 2012

Poor Atlas Shrugged

I know we're all supposed to demonize Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged, her thousand-page novel from 1957. But, see, I liked both Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, her other very popular book.

If you read this blog regularly, you know I'm wildly liberal. In fact, I'm militantly liberal, almost insanely liberal. So how can this be? How can a liberal guy like this book? Here's the answer, folks: it's a novel, a fictional story. Yes, it's sad that there are many stupid conservatives today who consider it a documentary. But see, it isn't a documentary. It's a novel.

The reason I enjoyed both books is that they're written in an over-the-top, film noir style. The writing is overly dramatic on every page. This makes it a campy joy to read.

Xmas Carol, my soon-to-be-released novel, is an anti-religious story. So do I think no religious person could enjoy it? Of course not. In fact, many of my test-readers are religious and they had no problem enjoying the book. You know why? Because it's a novel. See how that works?

Similarly, there's no reason why a liberal can't enjoy Atlas Shrugged, though I've only seen diatribes against the book on liberal blogs. I wonder if any of the writers read the book. I'll say it again: Ayn Rand was fun -- in a campy way.

Anyone else want to chime in?


Anna Guess Pick said...

You make an excellent point about Ayn Rand 'campy novelist' I like that.

The funny thing is if Ms. Rand today were to choose a career in politics, say run for president on the Republican ticket, she couldn't even pass the smell test.

It's a smart woman that knows her own limitations and sticks with what she does best, in this case writing campy novels. Poor Sarah Palin couldn't even come close in that respect.

writenow said...

You're right about her failing in today's politics. I remember her from TV shows. Her image was awful. She seemed like a Greta Garbo/Madeline O'Hair mash-up. She wasn't appealing in any way. In fact, she looked crazy. Hmmm, maybe she could have succeeded in today's politics after all.