Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts

August 21, 2012

The next Mars mission

Titan. (NASA)
There's news about the coming Mars mission. Next time we're going to send something that can bore into the planet to find out what it's made of. Apparently, they'll be able to map out the entire interior in this manner.

That would be interesting. We need answers to certain questions. For instance, why doesn't Mars have a magnetic core, like Earth does? Because of this, Mars isn't protected from radiation and easily loses its atmosphere. Another question is whether Mars has moving continental plates. There have been hints of this, lately. We need these answers.

But there were three candidates for NASA's next mission. They turned down a mission to Titan, Saturn's moon, and chose Mars again. Why? Isn't it time to branch out? The Titan mission would have placed a boat on the surface of one of the methane lakes on its surface. I would love to know more about this planetary body. And hey, it would be completely new information, from a new place. I'm not alone in this feeling:
That's just "too much emphasis on Mars in our current plans for planetary exploration," said Carolyn Porco, a prominent scientist who studies Saturn and its moons. "Most of the solar system resides beyond the orbits of the asteroids. There is more to learn there about general planetary processes than on Mars ... Why more Mars?"
What the heck. I won't toss the upcoming mission in the garbage bin. I want the information it will bring back to us, just as NASA does. But c'mon. Plan something for Titan, guys. Have you seen photos of Titan? It's that lovely orange blur. How can you not want to go there? Titan is so enticing.

August 16, 2011

Wingnuts will love this cloud

GOP cloud on Saturn.
There's an article on physorg today about an arrow-shaped cloud on Saturn. That's it on the left.

The article says the cloud is "the size of Texas". Hmmm. A cloud on Saturn shaped like an arrow pointing rightward -- and it's the size of Texas. Jeebus! It must be a sign.

Religious loons love signs. Will Rick Perry say this cloud is a sign from god? After all, it points rightward and its Texas size "tells" Earthlings that Perry is the right choice. It's totally nuts but it occurs to me that these idiots believe in nonsense, so why not this? I think they're gonna love this one. (Though they may miss it since science seems to scoot right by them.)